San Francisco Magazine: Experience the Magic of Summer Evenings At The Bay Area’s Paradisal Filoli Estate
Exerpt: A verdant green mountain range to the West and and gentle rolling hills – caked in a thick layer of dry, yellow grass – to the East border the valley through which Interstate 280 snakes, one of the paradigmatic Bay Area highways. A meandering cruise down 280 and into Woodside will bring you to Filoli, an equally paradigmatic Bay Area landmark harboring 654 acres of pristine, painstakingly manicured gardens, ponds, lawns, woods, and sprawling fields.
Resting in the heart of the natural splendor is a magnificent Georgian revival-style mansion which once housed a spectacularly wealthy family after its construction in 1917. In 1977, the property was opened to the public as a nonprofit organization and historical site.
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