Please find information below regarding accessible parking, restrooms, wheelchair access, service animals, and more. Filoli is open to all and strives to create a place that welcomes and respects everyone.
Please note that wheelchairs, walkers, or other assistive devices are not available to rent or borrow from Filoli. Email if you have a request for accessibility accommodations.
Parking & Arrival
Filoli’s parking lot has reserved spaces for those with ADA Placards & Plates. They are marked with ADA signs. Accessible parking is located on the East side of the main parking lot, right next to the walkway with ADA approved gentle grade. It will lead you directly to the bright blue check in kiosks. .
A loading zone and wheelchair ramp are available next to Filoli’s ADA parking spaces.
Filoli staff can be identified by anyone wearing a white name badge, dark green or lime green shirt with the Filoli logo on the left side of the chest, bright blue sweater with Filoli logo on left side of the chest, or any black outer layers with the Filoli logo on the left side of their chest.

Getting Around
A stairless Garden route is available to download here.
To enter the House without stairs, enter the Clock Tower Shop Courtyard and find the ramp on the West side of the House. Our staff can help direct you from the Check in Kiosk or Information Cart.
The average visit to Filoli is 90 minutes.
Please note: Due to Filoli’s historic structure, wheelchairs may need to traverse bricks, gravel, grass, and other uneven surfaces.
Mens’ and Womens’ ADA Restrooms are located in the Visitor Center.
Gender neutral restrooms are available in the Garden at the Pool House. Due to their historic location the Pool House restrooms are not ADA compliant.
Visitor Center & Café
The Visitor Center is accessible via stairless route from the check in kiosk. ADA restrooms and one drinking fountain are available in the Visitor Center. The Quail Café is accessible by ramp at the main entrance from the Visitor Center lobby.
Service Animals
ADA service animals are always welcome at Filoli. Please note that emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and should stay home during your visit.
Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless the individual’s disability prevents using these devices or these devices interfere with the service animal's safe, effective performance of tasks. The Olive Orchard by the main parking lot may be used as a designated service dog relief area.