
Haiku Contest

We are thrilled to announce the four winners of this year’s Haiku Contest! Each of the following poems was selected by judge and San Mateo Poet Laureate Emerita Aileen Cassinetto from among over 400 individual haiku poems submitted this year.


Winner: First Place

spring gardens invite
nature's eager arrivals
your room is ready

- Mary Ingle-Steinberg

Winner: Second Place

flowering bonsai —
his fragrance

- Dan C. Iulian

Winner: Under 18

Vermillion wings,
That bear the name of a queen,
Flutter, point skyward.

Eloisa Lin

Winner: Filoli Ecopoetry Award

her orange petals
float beyond my imbalance
hover outside ink.

- Sharon Coleman

These evocative poems muse on the themes of migration and belonging – in gardens and the natural world, as well as in our own lives. We invite you to come visit Filoli during the month of May and experience them as they are displayed in the lush spring Garden! Our winning poems and six additional semi-finalists will be displayed throughout May in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to each and every person that submitted their work!


ため息の 先の梢や 目に青し

My heavy sigh
drifting away toward the branches;
Bursting fresh green

Kumiko Nishikawa


Migrating monarchs,
Gardens cradle wanderers
Each leaf whispers, “Stay.”

Vidya Setlur


spring gardens invite
nature's eager arrivals
your room is ready

Mary Ingle-Steinberg



her orange petals
float beyond my imbalance
hover outside ink.

Sharon Coleman


Aromas of flowers fill the air
Islanders feast; the scent is home

Nela Tafuna

my sister and I
in community garden
share humanity

Adam Sadi


flowering bonsai —
his fragrance

Dan C. Iulian


First red-winged blackbird
Alights on new wildflowers
We're both curious

David Jacobson


Vermillion wings,
That bear the name of a queen,
Flutter, point skyward.

Eloisa Lin


qué alegría
caen más hojas que tinta
en mi cuaderno.

so joyful
leaves outweigh ink
in my notebook.

- Juan Pablo Tovar Ruiz