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Filoli 1940s

Filoli Flashback to the 1940s

Unnamed (3)

Happy Trails: Exciting Updates to the California Loop

"Filoli Reception Room south wall with large tapestry hanging at center.  Partial view of folding screen on left and arm chairs on each side.  Tall ornate gilt stands on both sides of tapestry. Long rectangular table under tapestry with ornate clock in center and two figurines and two decorative boxes on each side.  Tapestry on table and small needlepoint bench in front of table.  Upholstered side chair with wooden arms in front of window in southwest corner and sconce on west wall.  Floral damask sofa along west wall.  Lower portion of chandelier at top of photo. Large tapestry rug centered on floor with no furniture in center of room. Believe to be early Roth period just after they moved in."

A Lost Treasure, Serendipitously Returned!

IMG 6465

Community Partner Spotlight: Pasifika Planting Group

IMG 2195

Community Partner Spotlight: La Cocina

2023 Fall Flora Party on the Ballroom Terrace. Participants decorate wreaths with fall foliage and flowers.

Behind the Scenes of Filoli’s Fall Flora Parties